parlour magic show

Intimate close up parlour magic coming soon, please enquire.
An evening of Wonder was a sell-out show for a select audience of Vip’s. It consisted of several sell-out shows.
The show was only meant to run for a couple of shows.
After the initial run of 2 shows we got so much interest that we decided to run another 5 shows, All shows sold out within 3 days of the tickets going live In attendance were the social elite and celebrities.
The show was intimate and exclusive, only allowing 50 guests at a time.
Unfortunately, The Pandemic brought a swift end to the Show.
The show is currently on hold whilst my team and i seek out a suitable venue.
Please check back here for updates. if you would like to be added to the waiting list, please add your email in the box below and you will be the first to know show dates and times.